Top NYC Gut Doctor:

“Do This Once A Day To Empty Your Bowels Like Clockwork...”

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STARTER 30 Day Supply (1 Bottle)
$59 /bottle Shipping Fee $4.95
$99 $59
$39 /bottle
$594 $234
DOCTOR'S CHOICE 90 Day Supply (3 Bottles)
$49 /bottle
$297 $147
$39 /bottle
$594 $234
DOCTOR'S CHOICE 90 Day Supply (3 Bottles)
$49 /bottle
$297 $147
STARTER 30 Day Supply (1 Bottle)
$59 /bottle Shipping Fee $4.95
$99 $59

Full Industry Best 90 Day No Questions Asked

100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

You are going to love what Emma does for your gut. You’ll love the regular poops, the relief of complete bowel elimination and the trim waistline that comes from reduced bloating.

Otherwise, just send it back for a full, no questions asked refund. You can even send back an empty bottle. Just let us know at and our friendly customer support team will take care of you, promptly.

Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. It’s not just our company creed but a personal policy. We are here to support your journey to better health and an improved quality of life.

NEW! “Lean Belly Shakes”

Yours FREE with any multipack purchase - Instant access

Lean Belly Shakes is a delicious way to help slim down and clean out your gut.

Each one of the Shakes in this recipe book is specially designed to gently eliminate waste, while nourishing your body.

See a flatter tummy in the mirror in just a week with these creamy smoothies!

Everyone gets cravings for sweet things. Simply blend up one of these shakes to satisfy your sweet tooth and lean out at the same time.

Ramp up your metabolism with our Blueberry Açaí Smoothie, the Happy Belly Green Smoothie, Coconut Mint Smoothie or Creamy Turmeric Smoothie!

Looking to accelerate your gut restoration progress? Just try our Strawberry and Blueberry Chia Smoothie, or Heavenly Green Smoothie.

Trying to flatten your tummy for an important wedding or vacation? Just blend up our Creamy Pumpkin Chia Smoothie, Avocado and Lime Shake-Up, Choco Avo Milkshake or Cinnamon Keto Smoothie and blast away that belly fat. Fast!

...And it’s free with ANY multipack purchase on this page today.

Your Story Can Be Next
Natasha K Verified customer

“This has given me my life back...”

“I have struggled with IBS for 6+ years now and this has made my symptoms much more manageable. I don’t have an urgency to go all the time anymore and I don’t feel sick like I used to. My body digests at a normal pace, and in turn, my anxiety has slowly started to decrease in regards to my bathroom habits. I look fresher and more vibrant and in some ways, this has given me my life back. I used this in combination with Emma and also made some healthy diet changes and added exercise to my routine. If you suffer from IBS, I highly recommend this strategy. “
Lucy C Verified customer

“The feeling I get when it enters into my body it’s better than coffee...”

“Taking supplements is completely new to me. I’ve made it a habit to drink this first thing in the morning like the instructions recommend. The feeling I get when it enters into my body, it’s better than coffee! I’m enjoying more regular bathroom visits which is helping me get out more and do things. I have noticed my energy levels have increased with the greens and that’s helped me also shed some pandemic weight. The taste is exactly as described. I’m not more excited to drink this in the morning than coffee which I’d never thought I’d hear myself saying! I hope this helps other women.”
Amberlyn F Verified customer

“My stomach is noticeably flatter...”

“I have a lot of stomach issues and taking this each day with Emma has all but erased my issues. Prior to using I felt like no matter how well I ate or workout, I always had a bloated belly. I started combining Emma and the greens and I noticed a difference within the first few days. To me, my stomach is noticeably flatter. Thankfully no more bloat and it’s helping to repair my digestive system.”
Patricia G Verified customer

“No bloat and it’s helping clean out my body in a natural way (Pooping!)...”

“I got this product recently and love it. But after my 30 day supply was gone, I wish I had ordered more at the reduced discount. Oh well, you live and learn! I’m a total health nut and yoga lover, so my diet is pretty clean and healthy. With the kids home for summer break, I’ve kind of fallen into eating sugar again which makes me feel horrible and bloats me fast. My cravings were also out of control. Supreme Greens and Emma are great combination. No bloat and it’s helping clean out my body in a natural way (Pooping!) I feel so great! I’ve also stopped craving sugar. Even my husband has noticed how much it’s helped me and wants his own supply.“
STARTER 30 Day Supply (1 Bottle)
$59 /bottle Shipping Fee $4.95
$99 $59
$39 /bottle
$594 $234
DOCTOR'S CHOICE 90 Day Supply (3 Bottles)
$49 /bottle
$297 $147
$39 /bottle
$594 $234
DOCTOR'S CHOICE 90 Day Supply (3 Bottles)
$49 /bottle
$297 $147
STARTER 30 Day Supply (1 Bottle)
$59 /bottle Shipping Fee $4.95
$99 $59


  • Probiotics have exploded in popularity over the last decade. So why has our gut health continued to get worse over the same time period?

    Probiotics, in theory, are great.

    However, there's an important piece of the puzzle nobody is talking about. To get the full benefits of probiotics, they have to travel through the hostile acidic environment in your stomach.

    And the good bacteria that do survive only make it to your small intestine, which is not where they're supposed to be .

    You see, your gut microbiome is much deeper and resides in the large intestine.

    So if you’re suffering from digestive issues like constipation, bloating, gas, diarrhea, it means you've got too many organisms in your small intestine already, which should be clean.

    You might say taking a probiotic is like feeding a gang of violent criminals a five course meal before they rob and destroy everything they see.

    That's why sometimes when you take a probiotic you actually feel worse.

    And the more archaea grow inside you, the more methane gas builds up in your body, slowing down your poop speed and causing constipation, bloating, painful cramps and embarrassing gas.

    What makes Emma so different from probiotics is that it follows a proven 3 step gut cleansing and healing protocol.

    First, Emma wages war on archaea, other bad bacteria, even parasites and their eggs, effectively a deep cleaning where you need it the most.

    It then goes to work supporting health promoting, metabolism boosting, friendly flora in your gut microbiome while healing and repairing your gut lining.

    And lastly, Emma lubricates your digestive tract so that poop can practically slide out smoothly with a feeling of “complete release” while unclogging your colon and eliminating the built-up “stuck poop” from inside you.

    The best part is, it's safe, gentle and made from 100% natural ingredients.

  • The main function of Emma is to help you enjoy “perfect poops” on a daily basis by naturally restoring balance to your gut environment while healing and repairing your gut lining.

    That being said, we get hundreds of emails from happy Emma customers who have noticed it can also have a slimming effect on your body as well.

    The weight loss effect is more of a pleasant side effect, and it works through improving cellular processes that happen inside the body.

    When your body stores fat, it’s directly related to how well you digest and metabolize food.

    The key to Emma's fat burning is its ability to activate the AMPK Pathway - the body's master metabolic switch.

    For most people under normal resting conditions, AMPK is in “silent mode”, even though it’s always there.

    This is an ancient metabolic switch that evolved for millions of years and it controls how well our bodies turn food into energy.

    After all, if all of your food was turned into energy there would be nothing left to be stored as fat.

    This powerful switch boosts fat-burning by supercharging the functions of mitochondria -- the energy powerhouses -- in our cells.

    Our mitochondria is responsible for ramping cellular energy production, and are central to many systems in the body.

    Just think about it, if the cells burn more energy, your body will burn more fat. It’s really that simple.

    Emma also aims to reduce fat storage by blocking the fat storage enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, as well.

  • Emma has been taken by tens of thousands of people, with zero reported side effects.

    It's free from any dangerous drugs…

    There's no stimulants...

    And there's no harsh chemicals or laxatives.

    All of the ingredients in Emma are 100% natural and botanical, meaning they come from plants. Some from roots, others from rare and beautiful flowers.

    In fact many of the primary ingredients in Emma including berberine, resveratrol and quercetin are currently being studied for their anti-aging properties.

    So not only is it safe, it also has the potential to rejuvenate your body on a cellular level.

  • Food allergies are a sign that undigested waste product is leaking into the bloodstream, getting pushed out into the tissues, where it's being seen as a foreign invader.

    This causes an allergic reaction like hives, redness, itching, or swelling. It causes fatigue because your body now has to expend energy to clean it up, and it can also get into the joints causing stiffness and pain too.

    When you see those people that can eat whatever they want and still have a six pack it means they have an extremely strong microbiome. You see, the human body in its natural form is actually amazing and you can digest almost any food on this planet without distress.

    But over time, the microbiome becomes degraded, invaders take hold, you lose your ability to process certain foods, and pretty soon you're listing your allergies to the waiter, or avoiding this and that.

    And it has nothing to do with you personally, it's literally a damaged microbiome, it isn't a permanent condition.

    You see, many of our customers have found that after taking Emma their skin problems have started to clear up, and now they enjoy ice cream again…

    They can have bread again…

    They can have eggs again…

    And now food doesn't make them sleepy like it used to.

    You’ll be able to enjoy eating your favorite foods again without digestive discomfort, your mood is improved, you have more mental clarity, more energy and it's really nice.

    Really, the best way to find out if Emma will work for you is to pick one of the packages below and just give it a shot. Again, you're not really making a decision today, you can try it out, experience the benefits, and THEN decide if it's for you. You're always protected by our ironclad 90 day guarantee.

  • Apart from relieving constipation, Emma is very effective at treating bloating and constipation.

    You see, uncomfortable bloating and constipation primarily come from archaea colonizing the small intestine and producing high levels of methane gas.

    Methane gas slows down peristalsis, which is the scientific term for the time your poop travels through your digestive tract.

    And the more methane gas your body produces, the more “backed up” and bloated you’re going to be.

    Once Emma goes to work and eliminates the methane-producing archaea from your small intestine, it helps restore peristalsis, and gets things moving the way they should again.

    Emma also increases the body’s mucus-producing cells in your intestines to provide a slippery substance to help poop pass through easily while unclogging your colon and eliminating the years of stuck poop.

    So yes, Emma puts an end to painful constipation, bloating and cramping and I really hope you get a chance to experience it for yourself.

    You might be shocked how well it works for bloating and constipation.

  • Diarrhea and constipation are 2 sides of the same coin. If you have diarrhea you also have constipation. I know it might sound counterintuitive, so I'll break it down for you.

    Archaea and other parasites use your digestive system to suit their own needs. What they do most of the time is slow down peristalsis to increase their own feeding time.

    And depending on your health, your hormones, and how long you've had the problem, your body will deal with that situation in one of two ways.

    If you're close to the time when the archaea has taken hold, most people's bodies will desperately just try to clear everything out. That's why some people will experience diarrhea too. It's your body trying to just get rid of the problem.

    But it's unhealthy to have diarrhea over a long period of time because it causes dehydration. So after a while, your body might give up, let Archaea take over as your body settles into chronic, long term constipation.

    And there's also the hormonal component. For example, men have a tendency to lean toward diarrhea, while women tend to lean towards constipation. Some women will even alternate between constipation and diarrhea throughout the month with their menstruation cycle.

    And while different people have different responses based on these factors, it doesn't change the fact that you're dealing with an organism who has hijacked your intestines as their own breeding ground.

    Of course these bugs can burrow deep into the folds of your intestines and just flushing out the contents of your bowels won’t necessarily get rid of all of them. That’s why it’s important to continue Emma for at least 3-4 months.

    That's why we recommend the 3 or 6 month packages, which also give you the biggest discount as well.

  • Everybody is different and it really depends on how long archaea have lived inside your body and the amount of damage they’ve caused to your digestive system in that time.

    Overall, many of our customers start to feel relief like better bowel elimination, less bloating, gas and cramps, fewer food sensitivities, and a lift in your mood within the first 2-3 days.

    Some people even say they get relief almost immediately - meaning just a few hours after taking their first dose.

    Other changes like weight loss for example, may happen over time as a byproduct of improving your digestion and cellular processes.

    Remember, your digestion is literally the system that feeds every other system in the body, so there's no limit to the benefits you may experience.

    It might start in your brain when you start to crave more healthy foods... Or you notice more mental energy, improved focus and clarity as your body rids itself of toxic byproducts...

    You might notice a reduction in body odor, or bad breath, as your internal methane production decreases as the Archaea and other parasitic bugs are eliminated...

    You might notice you feel much better after every meal, as your digestion improves and the range of foods you can eat expands, and your metabolism burns hotter and more effective at turning food into energy…

    And even though many of these improvements will happen in the first month, your gut flora will continue to improve over the next 12-16 weeks.

    You might notice you feel like an entirely new person by that time as you experience many cascading benefits over time.

    You’ll start seeing new metabolic improvements as your body begins to absorb more nutrients, increase your cellular energy, and speed up waste elimination.

    Remember, the best way to see truly find out what benefits are in store for you is to just select a package below and give it a shot. You’re always protected by our industry leading 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee.

  • We only sell Emma direct through this website and there’s two very important reasons why we do that.

    The first is quality control.

    Most people don't realize but due to the recent pandemic the FDA has not been able test products inside China.

    And given the recent reports of places like China having much higher levels of mercury, arsenic, and lead, this kind of thing is completely unacceptable.

    So we decided for this premium product, it must be manufactured and tested at one of the state-of-the-art FDA-registered, GMP-certified labs right here in the USA.

    First, they use a technique called Infrared Spectroscopy. Not only are the ingredients tested for quality and safety, they are also tested for purity and potency as well.

    We also do additional quality inspections to make sure there are no heavy metals, no allergens, contaminants, and that all ingredients meet the highest purity standards.

    It's important to make sure that these ingredients retain their full potency, so that the product will actually deliver the benefits we talk about.

    The second reason we only sell direct, is to keep the price affordable for our valued customers.

    If we allowed Emma to be sold in the big natural food stores, the markup required would make the price at least double what it is now.

    For our customers, all that extra markup makes no sense, it’s just added to subsidize the massive nationwide advertising budgets, which would be pointless since you can already order Emma from the comfort of your home directly from this website.

    Also, please keep in mind that this one-time special offer is good today only.

    If you leave this page and decide you're going to get it tomorrow, we can’t guarantee Emma will still be available.

Top Gastroenterologist 2021 Dr. Gina Sam M.D Top New York City Gastroenterologist
As Seen On
Supporting Clinical Studies:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Use only as directed. The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider. © Emma 2024. All Rights Reserved