NYC Leading Gastrologist, Dr. Gina Sam WARNS:

“There are Gut-Flora Parasites in your belly keeping you fat, tired, and constipated.

And if you’re always bloated… tired…

…pooping out small, hard pellets, despite spending hours on the toilet...

Chances are, these Gut-Flora Parasites are crawling in your belly as we speak…

…destroying your gut cells from the inside out:

WORSE yet…

These gut parasites release deadly methane gas…

…which, according to a scientific report in 2021 from Yale School of Medicine…

clogs up your digestive system…

…leaving 10Ibs+ of toxic waste STUCK in your colon…

…causing uncontrollable, embarrassing gas around friends & family…

…making it almost impossible for you to poop…

And get this...

This methane gas fills up your belly like a balloon, making your tummy POP.

And even chews up probiotics, fiber, and laxatives…

...making most digestive solutions useless.

Luckily, there’s a way to remove these gut parasites AND undo all the damages of these Gut-Flora Parasites… allowing you to finally:

I'll tell you more in a minute...

But first, let’s talk about…

The Truth About Your “Gut Motility

(And Why Experts
Call Me Dr. Poop)

Hi, I’m Dr. Gina Sam…
But my colleagues call me Dr. Poop. Why?

Well, apart from being a former director at Mount Sinai & Cornell University…

I’m the world's foremost authority on gut motility.

If you've never heard that term, it’s the speed at which your digestive system processes food.

If it’s too fast, you risk malnutrition and diarrhea…

If it’s too slow, you're left with constipation, belly bulge, and unexplained weight gain.

Luckily, I found a better way to ease your constipation and digestive issues…

…making me the leading authority in gastroenterology in New York City.

In fact, I founded my own Gastrointestinal Laboratory in 2014… where I have treated celebrities... athletes... former heads of Government... and everyday folks… 

...and helped them poop with ease, without squirming or straining.

And that’s why right here, right now, I’m going to show you how to cleanse and heal your gut… 

So you never experience constipation (or any other digestive issues) again…

But first, let’s talk about…

The 3 Digestive Lies You Should STOP Believing


"My belly bulge is because of excess fat."

Here’s the shocking truth scientists at the Center for Neurogastroenterology discovered:

When you're constipated and bloated, your belly POPS out more... even without carrying excess fat…

…meaning your belly bulge isn’t because of stubborn fat. So what’s the actual cause?

Well, think of your belly like a balloon. When your digestive system is working right, the balloon stays nice and flat.

But when you're constipated, your intestines get all clogged up...

...triggering “fecal plaque buildup” inside your colon...

And get this...

Do you know how sometimes you feel "gassy"?

Well, this “fecal plaque buildup” starts polluting your tummy with more methane gas... (like blowing a balloon with hot air)…

...and the more these gases pollute your tummy... the bigger and bigger your belly bulge gets, regardless of how little body fat you're carrying.

The key is to deflate your balloon by flushing out this toxic “fecal plaque buildup” right out of your colon…

....which will naturally lead to a flatter, firm tummy.

I will show you how you can do so in a second. But first, let’s look at:


“Fiber, Laxatives, and Probiotics
Will Fix My Constipation, Bloating,
and All My Digestive Issues.”

Relying too much on laxatives can give you a “lazy colon”...

And as scientists at Cornell University put it… this is when your:

“intestines lose muscle and nerve response… become dilated and ineffective in moving stool out”.

Once this happens, stools will continue to get stuck in your colon, month after month…

…leaving you to feel “heavy”... as if something is stuck inside of you… EVEN after spending too long in the bathroom, squirming and straining.

And that's just with laxatives...

...because some probiotics have “toxic strains”...

…which, according to clinical trials published in the Cell Journal…

…kills your good bacteria and slows down the rebuilding of a normal gut microbiome.

…leading to constipation and all other digestive issues, no matter what you do.

Even more…

Fiber works by “bulking up” inside your gut to push out poop… which gives you temporary relief…

But get this…

Once fiber “bulks up” inside your tummy, it FEEDS bad bacteria and parasites…

…causing painful cramps and embarrassing farts.

Clearly, most common digestive solutions can do more harm than good.

So what you need is an all-natural solution, which “power-washes” your tummy… 

… cleanses out waste from your gut… 

…to ease you from bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and belly bulge for good…

....without relying on laxatives, probiotics, fiber, and their gut-damaging effects...

I will tell you how you can get your hands on this all-natural solution in a minute.

But first, let’s look at the last digestive lie… 

…and pay close attention to this one


“My Digestive Issues Are Temporary
and Will Go Away on Its Own.”

Many of my patients believe this, but let me ask you a question:

If your digestive issues were truly temporary, why do they still disrupt your daily routine?

When you’re at work, home, and even in social settings?

And why are your digestive issues still here, despite taking common solutions like fiber… laxatives… probiotics… and prune juice?

The truth is…

Or else, you may continue to struggle with bloating, belly bulges, and constipation.

Now keep in mind, I’m the leading authority in gastroenterology in New York City, which means…

I found a better way to ease your constipation and digestive issues.

Now before I tell you more, look at the image below:

This is a garden's Nutrient Cycle
As you can see, when a garden has:

It functions right and starts to flourish and grow vibrant plants & flowers.

Likewise, being that your gut is like a garden…

But when gut-flora parasites evade your digestive tract…

…it disrupts your gut’s ecosystem…

…leading to bloating, belly bulges, constipation, and other digestive issues.

And until you remove these gut parasites and undo all the damages they have done… your digestive issues may never go away, no matter what you do.

That’s why I’m going to show you how you can restore your gut’s ecosystem. So you can enjoy perfect daily poops.

Yet before I do, we must first look at the actual cause of your constipation… and how it affects your entire digestive system.

Gut-Flora Parasites:
The Surprising “Root Cause” of Bloating, Gas, and Constipation 

Like I said:

Your digestive system is like a “gut garden”…

And just like how a garden has a fence to keep pests away from damaging the flowers…

A healthy digestive system has a tight gut lining that acts as a barrier… (you can call this your gut’s garden fence)... which prevents harmful toxins from entering.

But like a 2023 special report by
Havard Medical School revealed:

Nearly 45 million Americans suffer from cramping… bloating… gas… diarrhea… and constipation, which disrupts their everyday lives.

And if you struggle with any of these digestive issues on a daily basis, then here’s what’s happening inside your stomach:

Intruders have breached your gut's garden fence.

You see, over time, factors outside your control… (like inflammation, pollutants, and toxins from food and household products)... weaken your gut’s garden fence… 

…like when a fence gets damaged and has holes in it…

This gives way to bacterial overgrowth, archaea, and pathogens…

Also known as “gut-flora parasites”.

The scary part is…

Most Americans living with constipation will never know these “gut parasites” are crawling inside their stomachs…

…causing you to feel backed up even after using the bathroom.

And if you struggle with any of these digestive issues on a daily basis, then here’s what’s happening inside your stomach:

Intruders have breached your gut's garden fence. 

You see, over time, factors outside your control… (like inflammation, pollutants, and toxins from food and household products)... weaken your gut’s garden fence… 

…like when a fence gets damaged and has holes in it…

In fact, take a look at this radiography from my colleagues at the American Gastroenterological Association:

After these gut parasites evade your digestive tract… and make themselves at home in your small intestine (a place that needs to be kept clean)... they start to:

Kill Off The Good Bacteria Inside Your Gut…

…making your digestive system less effective…

…leading to early signs of constipation where it becomes more and more difficult to pass…

You may experience abdominal discomfort or bloating…

…poop less than 3 times per week…

...and feel like there is something STUCK in your stomach… EVEN after using the bathroom.

And that’s not even half of it, because besides killing off good bacteria, they also…

Multiply Bad Bacteria Inside Your Gut…

…which grow bigger and bigger by the second…

And as my colleagues at the prestigious
gastric lab in New York City would say:

“If you keep gaining weight you can’t explain…

…when your tummy feels really full and puffy, like a big balloon… 

...when your belly keeps getting bigger and bigger and sticks out more than usual… could be these gut parasites are producing bad bacteria at an unusually rapid pace”

Even more…

With bad bugs and methane gas, they…

Damage Your Gut’s Ecosystem…

…making it almost impossible to ever get relief from constipation. How so?

Well, your colon gets blocked and fails to release fecal plaque. So if you always feel backed up, as if you haven’t used the bathroom in years, now you know why.

Worse yet…

…toxic waste then builds up and ferments inside your gut... month after month… and sometimes even year after year.

This also decreases motility, aka pooping speed... explaining why you can sit on the toilet for hours, without releasing.

Stools also become hard, dry, and difficult to pass, almost like there's a traffic jam in your tummy.

The good news is…

Just like when a garden’s grass is strong, weeds can’t grow…

The Key is to Fortify Your Microbiome, Which Will Prevent Parasites From Ever Damaging Your Gut 

Simply put:

When left unchecked, this Gut-Flora Parasite will continue to damage your gut for many years to come…

…and while you may experience slight or temporary relief…

Ultimately, you’ll never experience a life where you’re completely free from constipation…

The key is to not only remove these gut parasites… but to undo all the damage they have done.

Then and only then will you be able to end constipation, bloating, belly bulges, and all other digestive issues.


The 3-in-1 Gut Health Pack

The world's first and only formula that removes gut parasites AND reverses the damage done to your gut.

Ultimately, giving you lasting relief.

What makes FloraFix360 so different is…

It heals your gut cells through a 3-phase Weed-Seed-and-Feed Cycle.

FloraFix360 WEEDS out and kills all your “gut parasites”, allowing you to feel almost-instant relief from bloating... abdominal pain... and other digestive issues.

FloraFix360 SEEDS and fertilizes your gut soil... creating the perfect environment for good bacteria to grow.

FloraFix360 then FEEDS your microbiome with good nutrients, completely restoring your digestive functioning... giving you a “younger gut”, and allowing stool to pass as it did decades ago.

Once this happens, your bloating will stop... your belly bulge will shrink... and you’ll finally be able to poop with ease and speed.

The best part is...

You’ll sleep better and “feel light” again...

...with the same energy you had as a teenager, allowing you to tackle the day as a more vibrant you.

In fact, The Weed-Seed-and-Feed Cycle starts off with weeding out bacterial overgrowth, archaea, and pathogens…

And the best solution on God’s green earth is Emma. How come? 

Because Emma is the first and only Doctor-Endorsed Formula proven to Kill ALL Your “Gut Parasites”.


Because of factors outside your control… (like inflammation, pollutants, and toxins from food and household products)...

…your gut garden’s fence weakens and has holes in it…

…giving way to “gut parasites” like bacterial overgrowth, archaea, and pathogens.

Now here’s why Emma is the best solution to kill all your “gut parasites”...

You see, using Emma is like hiring a fence specialist for your gut garden. How so?

Well, first Emma inspects and looks at all the damages done to your gut garden’s fence…

…then it repairs any damage it detects, and after it helps your cells patch up all the holes.

What’s even more amazing is…

A recent study published in the Journal of
Ethnopharmacology reveals…

Emma increases the production of protective coated cells…

…which act as an extra layer and cushion for your gut lining and barrier…

In other words:

These protective coated cells act like laces and barbwires…

…which further reinforces your gut’s garden fence…

…making it almost impossible for “gut parasites” to damage your gut garden.

And once Emma ensures no other “gut parasites” can enter and damage your digestive system… here’s what it does next:

Like any skilled gardener, it turns its attention to the “gut parasites” already inside your gut garden…

…and focuses on killing them off. How so?

By producing potent antimicrobial agents…

… that pull out bacterial overgrowth, archaea, pathogens, and all other gut parasites. (It’s just like pulling out weeds by their roots).

And get this…

According to scientists at The Johns Hopkins
Department of Internal Medicine…

Emma targets and removes harmful bacteria like Enterococcus faecalis

…all while increasing the production of good gut bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium

…meaning Emma is delicate with its approach…

….selectively removing gut parasites without harming the good bacteria in your stomach.

This delicate balancing effect contributes to a healthier gut microbiota and a stronger gut lining.

Even better…

This rebalancing act sets the stage for the next phase of The Weed-Seed-and-Feed Cycle

Because after Emma kills all the gut parasites inside your stomach…

It creates the perfect environment for the seed phase…

…this is where your gut’s soil gets nourished and fertilized (sort of like planting seeds and setting the stage for a garden to grow life-nourishing flowers)...

And the best solution to get the job done is Elimipure…

And that’s because
countless studies show time & time again that Elimipure Fertilizes Your Gut’s Garden.

Now before it nourishes and fertilizes your gut’s garden…

Elimipure does something amazing...

It comes in and acts like a garden cleaner by…

…clearing out colonies of bacteria and parasites stuck deep within the folds of your intestines… just like removing debris and unwanted pests that may hinder the growth of your gut garden.

Then Elimipure produces waste dispenser stimulants, which…

Push out fecal plaque and waste from your intestines, much like removing weeds from a garden bed.

And once this cleansing phase is done…

Elimipure turns its attention to nourishing and fertilizing your gut soil. Here’s how:

Well, as my colleagues and fellow gastric experts best explain:

“Elimipure regulates gut microbiota, restoring your gut’s equilibrium”. 

In layman's terms…

It is almost like when gardeners revive dead, dry soil… as Elimipure plants seeds inside your gut soil, bringing it back to life.

And get this…

Elimipure fills your body with water-soluble nutrients, which helps grow good bacteria in your gut (Just like watering a plant to help it grow)…

And if that’s not enough…

Elimipure has its own “magical fertilizer” which sprays every cell inside your gut microbiome…

…making your gut soil fertile, which makes it easier for your gut to grow good bacteria… 

And as you probably already know… the more good bacteria your digestive system has…

…the easier (and faster) it becomes to poop… the less bloated you’ll feel… and the smaller your belly bulge will get.

So after Elimipure nourishes and fertilizes your gut garden…

This sets the stage for the last phase of The Weed-Seed-and-Feed Cycle:

Just like when you feed a garden with water and nutrients to help it grow…

…during this phase, you’ll feed your gut garden with all the nutrients it needs to grow good bacteria, which will…

…end constipation and your digestive issues for good.

The best digestive solution to get this done is Supreme Greens since studies show it Feeds and Helps Grow a “Younger Gut”.

So to recap:

Once your gut parasites are killed off, and your gut garden is nourished and fertilized…

…you now need to FEED your stomach with life-nourishing nutrients, which will help your gut function the way it used to.

This means no more worrying about bloating, belly bulges, embarrassing gas, or hard-to-pass stool.

And get this…

Supreme Greens goes above and beyond by feeding your gut with not three, but FOUR main nutrients, which actually help your body regrow a “younger gut”.

And all this means is…

Stools will pass through your gut like they did decades ago.

You’ll feel younger...

10x lighter with every step you take…

And your tummy will finally stop bloating… and look slimmer than it ever did before.

In other words:

Taking Supreme Greens is like giving your tummy garden special plant food to help it function as it did when you were a teenager.

By now, you’re wondering what this 4-nutrient complex blend is, so let's take a look:

Gut Nutrient #1

Alkaline Nutrient-Dense
Superfood Complex

This superfood complex has 7 plant proteins:

Chlorella… Spirulina… Barley Grass… Beets… Wheatgrass… Alfalfa… and Bee Pollen Powder…

… all have essential minerals like magnesium, iron, zinc calcium, proven to…

…keep your digestive system functioning in tip-top shape.

Gut Nutrient #2

Probiotic Blend Complex

This nutrient blend helps your gut produce different good bacteria such as:

Lactobacillus Acidophilus
this creates vitamin K, which is great for the digestion of dairy (and if you’re lactose intolerant, then this will help you out).

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
a good bacteria that stimulates the growth of other good bacteria

Bifidobacterium Bifidum
another healthy bacteria that produces natural antibiotic substances that kill bad bacteria.

Gut Nutrient #3

Enzyme Blend Complex

Not only is this blend rich in Vitamin C but….

It optimizes your digestive system by helping eliminate toxins and kidney stones, which then relieve water retention, bloating, indigestion, and flatulence.

Even better…

Its inflammation-reducing properties treat inflammatory bowel disorders, heartburn, and diarrhea.

Gut Nutrient #4

Immunity & Digestion Complex

This nutrient blend has a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals from damaging your cells… and boost your immune system. The end result?

It helps your body fight against sickness, keeping you healthy 365 days a year.

The best part is…

It’s jam-packed with anti-aging nutrients, which rewinds your gut cells back to their youthful days, giving you a “younger gut”.

So here’s the bottom line:

Together, Emma, Elimipure, and Supreme Greens form the perfect team of gardeners who work to transform your gut garden.

Even better…

Together, this “3-pack gut garden kit” kick starts The Weed-Seed-and-Feed Cycle, which will…

… undo all the damage the Gut-Flora Parasite has caused…

And the best part is…

Once you get this “3-pack gut garden kit” and try it for yourself…

…a few days later, you’ll feel lighter than you’ve ever felt…

…your bloating will reduce…

…and you’ll see a flatter belly, week by week, month by month.

…you’ll move around with so much energy…

And you’ll finally poop with ease and speed.

After you take FloraFix360, you’ll see how effective its gut-restoring benefits work.

In fact, you’ll be shocked how fast it works its magic, as it will:

FLUSH AWAY “Gut Parasites”

FloraFix360 gives you instant relief from bloating and constipation… by deep cleaning your digestive tract, and flushing out bacterial overgrowth, parasites, and pathogens.

Fortify Your Gut Microbiome

According to the Journal of Ethnopharmacology… FloraFix360 increases the production of protective coated cells. This gives your gut lining & barrier an extra layer and cushion, preventing “gut parasites” from ever entering and damaging your digestive system.

Eliminate Hard Stools From Your Gut

FloraFix360 helps your body produce more bile, which softens your stools, allowing you to enjoy easy, regular bowel movements.

Multiply Your “Gut’s Lubricant”

Say goodbye to squeezing and squirming on the toilet… because inside FloraFix360 is Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice, your “gut’s lubricant”, which allows you to poop with ease.

Accelerate Your Pooping Speed in Seconds

FloraFix360 increases your gut motility… which is how fast food makes its transit through your gut and becomes poop. This allows for an easy release the moment you sit on the toilet, without straining or squirming.

Supercharge Your Body’s Energy Powerhouse

Your mitochondria handle energy production. And what’s so amazing about FloraFix360 is… it has dense nutrients that “feed” your mitochondria, therefore helping your body gush out lasting all-day energy.

Revitalize Younger, Looking Skin

Inside FloraFix360 is a rare nutrient - BPP - which the German Federal Board of Health recognizes as one of the world’s most potent medicines. It helps boost liver health, which helps your body cleanse “skin toxins” out of your epidermis… restoring firmer, smoother, younger-looking skin.

Remodel Your Gut For 24/7 Fat-Burning

FloraFix360 activates “fat-burning cells” inside your tummy… which helps your gut break down and digest fat, allowing you to burn more fat (and at a much faster pace) all day long, even while you sleep or sit on the couch to watch Netflix.

Activate Your “Metabolic Master Switch”, Even with “Bad Genetics”

According to the European Journal of Pharmacology, nutrients found in FloraFix360 activate the AMPk pathway - your “metabolic master switch”. This lowers your blood sugar, and cholesterol all while speeding up weight loss.

Slim & Trim Your Belly Bulge

Once you have 10 or more pounds of backed-up stool stuck in your colon, your tummy starts to “pop out”. Luckily, FloraFix360 flushes out years of toxic, fecal plaque, which then shrinks your podge, and sculpts your belly bulge into 6-packs.

Unlock a “Younger Gut”

FloraFix360 has a proprietary digestive blend with anti-aging nutrients, which rewinds your gut cells back to their youthful days, giving you a “younger gut”... allowing you to feel lighter on your feet and pass stools like you did decades ago.

“Alkalize” Your Body For MAXIMUM Health

When your PH levels are out of whack, your body stops functioning properly, causing constipation and health complications other than digestive issues like weight gain, fatigue, and skin rashes. FloraFix360 restores your PH balance back to normal levels, naturally causing weight loss, clear, youthful skin, and even a boost in energy levels.

Wipe Out Over 80% of All Cases of Cramps

Say goodbye to menstrual cramps and hello to joy-free periods and better moods… because FloraFix360 is filled with pain-relieving enzymes proven to wipe out over 80% of all cramp cases. 

Restore Digestive Functioning in 30 Seconds

FloraFix360 activates your body’s detoxification process, removing chemical impurities in your system while optimizing your body’s daily bodily functioning. Ultimately, allowing you to sleep better, think quicker and more clearly, and have energy all day long.

The best part is…

FloraFix360 does so much more…

Imagine a Life Free From Embarrassing Bathroom Moments

Imagine never suffering from abdominal discomfort or nagging pain from constipation again…

…where your bowels move smoothly, allowing you to feel light and refreshed…

…where you witness the joy of shedding your embarrassing podge…

…as FloraFix360 eases the gas and swelling, giving you a flatter, more comfortable belly.

Just imagine how different your life will look once you cleanse your gut for good.
By now, you’re well aware of the toll digestive issues can have on you and your loved ones.

By now, you’re well aware of the toll digestive issues can have on you and your loved ones. That’s why I’m going to show you how you can grab FloraFix360 at a special rate… and start feeling its gut-healing benefits almost right away…

These Savings Are Available
On This Page Only.

First, remember…

FloraFix360 has a  “3-pack gut garden kit” which includes Emma, Elimipure, and Supreme Greens…

…and if you were to buy all 3 separately, then you’d pay $311.85 out of pocket.

And if you think about the gut-healing effects of this  “3-pack gut garden kit”... I’m sure you agree that paying $311.85 is more than worth it.

If you were to factor in the cost of medications and doctor visits, you probably know the financial cost is far greater.

In fact, as the leading gastrologist, I can tell you people pay $1,000+ in fees when they visit my clinic in New York City (and that’s not including the plane ticket and hotel accommodation)...

The great news is, FloraFix360 has made it possible to end constipation for good, all from the comfort of your couch.

And the best part is…

You won’t have to pay thousands for true gut relief…

…or even pay $311.85 if you were to buy Emma, Elimipure, and Supreme Greens together.

Because today, from this page only, you can try FloraFix360 for a one-time, 100% risk-free investment of only $149.

That’s 50% OFF when you claim your package today.

Even better…

…while you'll experience the gut-restoring abilities of FloraFix360 almost right away…

…happy customers get long-lasting results when they commit to taking FloraFix360 for at least 3 months.

And when you delve into the science behind it, it makes so much sense.

Because as you already know…

With FloraFix360, your gut will go through The Weed-Seed-and Feed cycle, allowing you to put an end to your constipation for good…

Yet this cycle takes time, because after all, we are talking about reversing years of discomfort and imbalance within your gut.

That’s why as a leading gastrologist, I recommend getting the 3-month supply of FloraFix360.

Because this will give your body enough time to completely heal your gut for good.

And that’s also why…

…for today and today only…

Instead of paying the retail price of $891…or even $500

You can get a three-month supply of FloraFix360 for just $349.

That's an incredible 61% off when you seize your 3-month supply of FloraFix360.

So don't let digestive issues hold you back any longer. 

Enjoy a life free from constipation and start your journey to restored digestive health with this 3-month supply.

Why FloraFix360 Is More Effective Than Other
Digestion Remedies


We’re talking about your gut here, which has millions of sensitive microorganisms…

…which means you CANNOT afford to use cheap ingredients … or it will cause further damage to your gut.

That’s why at Konscious Lab, we only source the most potent ingredients on the face of Planet Earth…

…and leave no stone unturned in guaranteeing the safety, quality, and purity of FloraFix360.

In fact, to ensure the highest level of potency and purity, we subject every ingredient to HPLC analysis…

…which is a rigorous testing procedure ensuring that our product surpasses the most stringent quality standards.

It gets better…

Because every batch of FloraFix360 undergoes 3 additional quality checks before it receives the esteemed Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification.

As you can clearly see, this certification is a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering only the best product straight to your doorstep.

What’s even more amazing is…

Unlike other supplements that have toxic plastic capsules, FloraFix360 is carefully encapsulated in small, easy-to-swallow veggie capsules. 

So as you can clearly tell, we make sure anything you put in your body is of the highest quality.

Even better…

Taking FloraFix360 is a breeze. All you have to do is take the capsules with water, juice, or even coffee once a day. And if you want even faster results, then you can take FloraFix360 twice a day… (which is already why I recommend getting a 3-month supply).

So go ahead, and take the first step toward optimal gut health by getting FloraFix360 today.

Even better…

Your Purchase Today Is 100% Protected By Our 90-Day "Reclaim Your Gut" Ironclad Guarantee. 

Now if you’re still skeptical, I totally get it.

You have tried laxatives, fiber, probiotics, and other so-called “digestive solutions” in the past…

…and while they may have provided temporary relief for you, ultimately they have let you down in the long run.

But look - because you read this far, you know FloraFix360 is different:

You now know the root cause of your belly bulge, bloating, and constipation…

…and you even now understand the science of how FloraFix360 “power washes” your gut to end your digestive issues for good. 

And if FloraFix360 could work wonders for everyday folks, and help them poop with ease…

…why can’t it work for you?

I’m sure by now you know it will.

And I’m so sure that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. 

And that’s why when you order today…

You Get a 90-Day "Reclaim Your Gut" Ironclad Guarantee. 

…meaning you don't have to say yes right away. 

Just say “maybe” today…

…and make your final decision after you've experienced the gut-restoring benefits of FloraFix360 firsthand.

And if, after 90 days, you're still struggling with abdominal discomfort, if your digestive system isn't performing optimally, simply reach out to our dedicated customer service center, and we'll promptly refund every penny you invested—no questions asked.

Look, I can't make your decision any simpler or easier than that.

So here's what to do next:

Act Now and Grab Your Package of FloraFix360 While You Still Can.

Look - there's no better time than now to finally put an end to your digestive issues. 

And considering the special deal going on, I strongly suggest you act now. 

And by now…

You already know that we made FloraFix360 with the highest-quality ingredients… meaning production costs were not cheap…

…which ultimately means…

As demand increases (which it will because of how potent FloraFix360 is)...

… fewer bottles will be on the shelf…

And once they run out… there’s no telling how long it will take before FloraFix360 is back in stock again. 

So to make sure you don’t miss out, grab your package of FloraFix360 right away.

Even more…

The current economy has hit the supplement industry hard.

…affecting availability and pricing…

Now we have been lucky to get your supply of FloraFix360 at such a discounted price.

Yet because of the current economy and supply chain challenge, it’s uncertain how long we can keep this up.

And by now, you know that we’re giving a special offer on this page and this page only.

Because of this, customers like you are seizing the opportunity to get their hands on FloraFix360.

As such, we are experiencing a surge in orders. That being said, once customers buy all the bottles, there won’t be any left for you.

So act now and get FloraFix360 before it's too late.

It's easy to claim your supply. Click the button below, and you’ll head to a secure checkout page.

The best part is…

Our quick shipping process will have FloraFix360 delivered to your doorstep within 5–7 business days.

So before this limited-time offer slips away, click below to grab your package of FloraFix360 right away, while you still can.


1-Month Supply (3 Bottles)




Best Deal

180-Day Supply (18 Bottles)




Still have questions?
We have answers…


I have a very bad bowel movement, will this really work for me?


If you're struggling with bad bowel movements, then your gut's likely out of whack. That's where FloraFix360 comes in. It's your gut's personal traffic cop, making sure everything flows just the way it should. 

So, how does it work? 

First, FloraFix360 balances your gut flora. How so? Well, there are tiny microbes in your belly that decide whether you'll poop or not. FloraFix360 feeds them with multiple gut nutrients... increasing the good bacteria in your gut... allowing you to have a smoother bowel movement. 

So say goodbye to straining or rushing to the bathroom at the worst possible times.

Even more...

FloraFix360 is filled with digestive enzymes.... which break down those tough-to-digest foods. You know, the ones that usually leave you feeling like a bloated balloon? 

These enzymes get to work, preventing any toxic waste buildup... preventing irregular bowel movements. It's like having a mini army in your gut, fighting off the bad guys.

And get this...

Since a damaged gut lining can mess up nutrient absorption and make your bowel movements a nightmare...

FloraFix360 also focuses on healing your gut lining from the inside out...

...which prevent gut-destroying parasites from entering your digestive tract...

...and this even makes your body absorb nutrients more easily... (which will give you more energy throughout the day).

And with all the powerful effects FloraFix360 has, you know what this means for your gut right?

You'll experience regular, pain-free, smooth bowel movements.

And by now, you realize this means relief, and freedom for not having to plan your day around bathroom breaks. So if very bad bowel movement, rest assured this is work for you. So give FloraFix360 a shot. You've got nothing to lose and a whole lot of comfort to gain.

And to top it all off:

FloraFix360 is all-natural, meaning...

It has zero weird chemicals or sketchy ingredients. Just pure, safe goodness for your gut. So why wait? Get your FloraFix360 today and take the first step toward a happier, healthier you.

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I've tried everything from laxatives to fiber to probiotics. How is FloraFix360 superior to all other digestive solutions? 


For starters, most digestive solutions do more damage to your gut.

Take, for instance, laxatives:

Scientists at Cornell University say laxatives cause a “lazy colon”. How so?

They weaken the muscles and nerves in your intestines, making it hard to move stool.

Then there are probiotics, which may have “toxic strains” that kill your good bacteria... 

...slowing down the rebuilding of a normal gut microbiome…

…and leading to constipation and all other digestive issues, no matter what you do.

And let’s not forget fiber which “bulks up” inside your tummy, feeding bad bacteria and parasites…

…creating gas, and uncomfortable, painful bloating.

This is where FloraFix360 stands out. It uses a unique Weed-Seed-and-Feed Cycle... a 3-step protocol designed to cleanse, heal, and restore your gut.

Step #1: FloraFix360 targets and eliminates archaea, bad bacteria, and even parasites. It's like a deep cleaning service for your gut, right where you need it the most.

Step #2: It then repairs your gut lining... preventing parasites from ever entering your gut again. 

Step #3: Finally, FloraFix360 lubricates your digestive tract, ensuring waste moves out with ease... making you feel 10x lighter every time you leave the bathroom.

And by now, you probably know FloraFix360 has 100% natural ingredients.... sourced from the most potent botanicals on Earth... making it the safest solution for your gut health.

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You mentioned FloraFix360 can end my constipation, bloating, and “unexplainable weight gain” and even give me lasting relief, how is this possible?


By now, you know your gut is like a very special garden that needs the right plants and care to flourish. FloraFix360 is like the master gardener for this unique garden inside you.

In your gut garden, you have good plants and weeds. The good plants help you poop easily.

But, the weeds make you feel bloated and can even make you gain weight. Just like a real garden, if the weeds take over, the good plants can't grow well.

FloraFix360 comes with its magical "weed-killer" and "plant food." It targets the weeds, pulling them out so they can't bother your good plants anymore. This is how it helps you get rid of constipation and bloating for good. 

Once the weeds are gone, your good plants have room to grow and make your tummy feel light and empty. (Once this happens, you'll notice your belly shrinking as well).

Even more...

FloraFix360 comes with gut nutrients... (like Chlorella… Spirulina… Barley Grass… Beets… Wheatgrass)... which keeps your digestive tract functioning in tip-top shape. 

When this happens, your body will naturally use food the right way... turning it into energy instead of storing it as extra weight. (So say goodbye to “unexplainable weight gain”).

The best part? FloraFix360 has only nature's finest ingredients. No harmful chemicals, no bad stuff. Just pure, natural care for your gut garden.

So, with FloraFix360, you’ll clear out the root cause of bloating, constipation & even weight gain... allowing you to feel and look your best.

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Will FloraFix360 also help with heartburn, acid reflux, and uncontrollable gas?


Here's how FloraFix360 can help with your heartburn or acid reflux:

Your tummy has good and bad bacteria. When the bad ones take over, you feel icky. That's when you get heartburn, acid in your throat, or even gas that makes you feel puffed up like a balloon.

FloraFix360 is like a superhero team for your tummy. It has two special helpers: gut nutrients, and digestive enzymes. These helpers make your tummy happy. 

They break down hard-to-digest food so it doesn't turn into gas. They also make sure your tummy has more good bugs than bad ones. This helps with the burning feeling of heartburn and the icky feeling of acid coming back up your throat.

And get this...

A weak gut lining can make heartburn and acid reflux even worse. So FloraFix360 fortifies your gut lining... preventing acid from going the wrong way and making you feel that burning feeling.

So, FloraFix360 is like a Swiss Army knife for your tummy. It helps with many problems, not just one. It helps you poop better... stops you from feeling puffed up... and takes away the burning feeling in your chest and throat.

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How fast will I see results?


How soon does FloraFix360 work? It's different for everyone. Many people feel better in just a day or three. Some even feel more energy just hours after taking it. If you want to lose weight, it might take a few weeks. That's because FloraFix360 helps your gut work better over time.

Your gut health is really important for your whole body. When FloraFix360 cleans your gut, you might start to feel good all over. You might want healthier foods and think more clearly.

FloraFix360 also fights the bad bacteria in your gut that cause problems. When those are gone, you might have less body smell and better breath. Your body will use food better, so you won't store as much fat.

I will say this:

The longer you take FloraFix360, the more its gut-cleansing effects speed up, as you'll lose more weight... feel more lighter on your feet... and poop with ease any time you use the bathroom.

And the best part is...

Thanks to 90-Day "Reclaim Your Gut Guarantee"... you have 90 days to feel the gut-restoring effects of FloraFix360. So really, you have nothing to lose and a better and healthy gut to gain.

So get FloraFix360 and give it a try right away.

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Is FloraFix360 suitable for people with specific dietary restrictions (e.g., gluten-free, vegan)?


FloraFix360 works for everyone, no matter what you eat. Are you gluten-free or vegan? No problem. FloraFix360 fits right into your diet. It doesn't have gluten, animal stuff, or other things that people are often allergic to. It's made from 100% natural stuff that works well and is okay for all kinds of diets.


Do I need a prescription from my doctor to buy this? Are There Any Side Effects? Is it Safe?


You don't need a doctor's note to buy FloraFix360. It's easy to get and safe for everyone who wants a healthier gut. We've had lots of happy customers and no bad side effects.

Why is it safe? Because the ingredients of FloraFix360 are all-natural, sourced from the earth's healthiest soil.

This means FloraFix360 has zero drugs or chemicals. In fact, we test it carefully in top-notch labs in the USA to make sure it's pure and works well.

And as you have already seen...

Countless studies show the ingredients in FloraFix360 have amazing health benefits. So when you take FloraFix360, you're helping your gut AND your whole body feel younger.

So by now, you know FloraFix360 is more than just safe. It's a step toward feeling better all over

So get your package of FloraFix360 today... and start experiencing its gut-renewing effects, in as little as 24 hours.

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What kind of lifestyle changes should accompany taking FloraFix360 for the best results?


The beauty of FloraFix360 is that it works really well by itself. So you never have to make drastic lifestyle changes for it to work.

And you know what this means right?

With FloraFix360, you never have to stop eating stuff you like... like meat and dairy products like yogurt & ice cream.

Now as a doctor, I know some digestive solutions make you eat only certain things, but not FloraFix360. It makes your gut work better so you can eat different kinds of food without trouble.

Even better...

You'll break down food better and get more good stuff from it. So, you can keep enjoying your favorite meals without feeling bad or having tummy issues.

Of course, eating lots of fruits, and veggies can help your gut too. But the main point is this:

You never have to give up the foods you love... because FloraFix360 works with you, not against you.

So go ahead, live your life, and let FloraFix360 handle your gut.

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Is there a money-back guarantee if I'm not satisfied with the results?


Sure, here’s how it works:

We're so confident in FloraFix360 that we offer a 90-Day "Reclaim Your Gut" Ironclad Guarantee, meaning…

If you don't see major improvements in your digestive health within 90 days…

…where you can poop with ease (without squirming or straining)...

…where your belly bulge shrinks…

…where never experience bloating, or uncontrollable gas…

Simply contact our customer service, and we'll refund every penny you invested—no questions asked. 

We believe in FloraFix360 so much that we want you to experience its gut-cleansing superpowers - RISK-FREE!

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Is FloraFix360 available anywhere else for a lower price?


You can only buy FloraFix360 from this official online site. And there are two HUGE reasons why:

First, we're 100% careful about quality.

Remember how fiber, laxatives, and probiotics sometimes cause more harm than good? Well, we're talking about your gut here, and the millions of sensitive microbes that live in it.

So unlike other digestive solutions... we never fill our products with toxic chemicals like mercury and lead. Why? Because we don't want to risk your gut health.

As such, FloraFix360 is made and checked in top-level, FDA-approved labs right here in the USA. We use high-tech tests to make sure every part is safe, pure, and works well. We even do extra checks to make sure there's no bad stuff like heavy metals.

Second, selling directly to you saves money. If we sold FloraFix360 in big health food stores, the price would go way up. They'd use that extra money for big ads. But you can easily buy FloraFix360 right here, right now, without paying extra.

Heads up, this special offer is only available for a short period of time. So there's no telling how long this page will be up (and how long FloraFix360 will be available for such a low price). So while you're still here, and while you can, take advantage of this deal before it's too late.

So here's what to do next:

Get FloraFix360 right here, right now, and say goodbye to all your digestive issues for good.

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Will You Finally Enjoy Smooth, Perfect Poops And Get Back To Living A Normal Life Again?

Remember, for years I struggled with constipation.

So I know what it’s like to walk around “feeling heavy” as if a 10Ib log is deep in your stomach…

…weighing you down, and making you feel sluggish and tired.

So speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that…

The longer you wait to Weed-Seed-and Feed your gut garden, the more damaged your digestive tract will be, which means…

…the more digestive issues will continue to suck away the quality of your life, as you’ll continue to:

Squirm on the toilet
every time you go
to the bathroom…

Feel bloated

Hate how big your belly
looks every time you
look at yourself naked…

That’s why it’s vital you make your choice now because the longer you wait, the more your gut will suffer.

Look - I have shown you how most digestive solutions NEVER work because they don’t get to the root cause…

And how fiber, laxatives, and probiotics do more damage than good…

Even more, I have shown you the root cause of your gut problems – the Gut-Flora Parasite – and how this gut crisis has been triggering belly bulges, bloating, and constipation for years now.

I even revealed the first and only Doctor-Endorsed method - The Weed-Seed-and Feed Cycle - which is a rare formula proven to…

Remove and wash away gut parasites…

Heal the damage done to your digestive tract…

Restore a healthy gut ecosystem and give you back a “younger gut”.

And once you restore your bowel movement with this 3-phase gut-cleansing cycle, you’ll finally be able to:


Eat your favorite fatty foods… like pizza and fries… and even dairy products like yogurt, and ice cream… WITHOUT the fear of having digestive issues later on.


Flush out 15lbs of fecal plaque to feel lighter on your feet. (Imagine how energetic you’ll feel after)


Burn stubborn fat from your abdominal area and watch in amazement as your belly bulge turns into a 6-pack

The list can go on & on…

And the best part is…

You’ll experience all these amazing benefits…

…without relying on fiber, laxatives, or even probiotics.

With this newfound knowledge, will you continue to squeeze and squirm in the bathroom? 

Or will you finally reclaim your gut with the only digestive solution proven to remove gut parasites to end your constipation for good?

Look - you have lived with your frustrating digestive issues long enough. So now, you owe it to yourself - and the people around you - to live a life free from constipation…

So go ahead and click the button below and order FloraFix360 right now.

Remember, you’re getting free shipping and 50% OFF when you claim a 1-month supply of FloraFix360. With the demand growing, and FloraFix360 exploding on social media, this offer will not last long.

Go ahead, simply click the button below, and claim your own supply of FloraFix360 right now.


1-Month Supply (3 Bottles)




Best Deal

180-Day Supply (18 Bottles)


