Most doctors are clueless when it comes to treating constipation!
We’ve been told to “just eat more fiber”, “take laxatives” and “take probiotics”.

However, according to Dr. Gina Sam - NYC’s Top “Gut Doctor” - these common recommendations may be making your “poop problem” WORSE.
Accounting to Dr. Sam, there is ONE SINGLE “root cause” constipation, bloating, weight gain and poor gut health.
And if you’re not on the toilet like clockwork within 30 minutes of waking up, odds are you have 15-20 pounds of sticky, hard, rotting “toxic sludge” lining the walls of your lower intestines.
This “toxic sludge” causes bloating, gas, cramping, fatigue, headaches, brain-fog, and even joint pain.
The good news is, Dr. Sam just released a short educational video revealing the shocking cause of this crippling condition, and the simple solution to eliminate it once and for all...
So you can poop like clockwork every morning.