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Doctor-Endorsed Gut Makeover

The first and only formula that targets microbiome imbalances and digestion-slowing bacteria at the root cause. Emma is scientifically formulated to clear bloating, ease constipation and increase gut motility to restore perfect daily poops.

Emma can help:

  • Restore digestive regularity

  • Reduce occasional heartburn, indigestion, food intolerance

  • Support gut flora & gut lining

  • Decrease bloating

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By checking the “Subscribe” box, you agree to receive Emma once every month and that your credit card will be charged the amount matching your selected package size. You can cancel anytime by emailing hello@emmarelief.com or calling customer service at 888-808-EMMA (3662). (All terms and conditions apply.)

Real results, from real people

See what people are saying about our new and effective formula


It’s only been a week and the difference is HUGE! I seriously cannot recommend Emma enough!

Katherine Z.

I’ve always been bad about having regular bowel movements which causes lots of bloating for me. In the past I’ve drank teas to help gut health and they have been too aggressive although they got me to go. I’ve been using this supplement for some time now and it worked for me the first day! It was a gentle go and I go once a day now...


I’ve always been bad about having regular bowel movements which causes lots of bloating for me. In the past I’ve drank teas to help gut health and they have been too aggressive although they got me to go. I’ve been using this supplement for some time now and it worked for me the first day! It was a gentle go and I go once a day now where as before I would go up to 5 days without bowel movement. Easy to swallow and no after taste. Definitely recommend


Alicia C.

I have recently been having a ton of GI Issues and abdominal discomfort. I was bloated everyday and it was negatively affecting my mental health. I tried a lot of over the counter options but none worked until I tried Emma gut health! I am significantly more regular and less bloated and feeling so good!

Brett A.

I'm unfortunately a sufferer of ibs/colitis and bloating is a major pain in my life. I've been using EMMA for a little over a week now and I notice a significant difference in feeling relief from bloating. I highly recommend Emma to anyone who is looking to relieve stomach bloating from eating.


If you are still thinking to buy this, this is your sign! And here is why: I was dealing with postpartum blowout, digestive problems and constipation issues! This is magic in my body! I'm obsessed with the changes. I'm feeling so good after this first week! YES! I have only a week and it's been working amazing. It's worth the price! Go get it now!

Arwen K.

So I struggle with a lot of gut issues. I have tried a ton of supplements that claim to help but nothing has really helped until Emma. I have been taking these about two weeks and my gut feels so much better! I also feel like I have more energy from not having to struggle with a sore gut all day.

Steve B.

I’m so happy that we tried Emma! It works GREAT! We were able to stop taking fiber pills, stool softeners and laxatives! The product is a life saver!! THANKS!!

David W.

I so love this product I tried everything under the moon with lil results but Emma was the best thing that happened to me I mean it’s amazing.!it does everything it says it does plus more,I have so much more energy throughout the days I am at work, and out with the family I feel much more alive than ever!.Thank you so much, Emma and the whole staff that put everything together I am so thankful, I found you guys.!🙌🙏

Madelyn S.

I have been struggling with IBS which causes me to get extremely bloated, gassy and constipated whenever I eat dairy, gluten and spicy foods. A family member recommended this supplement and after taking them for 2 weeks I noticed that my bloating has decreased and I’m able to go to the bathroom more regularly. I take 2 capsules daily according to package directions and it does the job. I highly recommend these if you want relief.

Key Benefits

Deep Clean For Your Gut

Finally achieve that perfect ‘shape of the colon’ and experience complete relief and regular elimination daily. Clean out your colon and feel much lighter and more energetic throughout the day. No more ‘backed up feeling’ or accumulating stuck waste which builds up in your gut, spreading toxic waste throughout your system. Enjoy a fresh, clean feeling with a trim waistline.

Enjoy Clear Skin

Many people don’t realize that besides your colon, the pores of your skin are a major source of elimination. When your colon becomes backed up, your body will find alternate ways to push the toxins out. Unfortunately, that means toxins, irritants, and waste products will be pushed out through the skin, resulting in acne, rosacea, skin rashes, and hives. Fix your gut, and your skin will clear up within just a few short weeks.

SkyRocket Your Metabolism

Studies have shown that you cannot increase digestion speed without also simultaneously increasing your metabolism. Which is why our Metabolic Repair Matrix was designed to help crank your metabolism, so fat is being burned aggressively instead of sitting around stuck to your intestines making you feel bloated, backed up, and heavy.

More Daytime Energy

Small intestine digestion-slowing bacteria can consume nutrition from the food you eat and turn it into toxic waste products. Emma is designed to fight this process so you can start extracting the nutrition you need, and getting the maximum amount of energy from the food you love, and support you through the day to feel
alert and motivated.

What is Unique About Emma’s 
Gut Expert-Endorsed Formula

Emma restores optimal gut health by targeting the microbiome imbalances in your system — the root cause of digestive discomfort

+ supports regular and effective bowel movements

+ promotes healthy gut lining and flora

+ helps eliminate bloating and gut inflammation

+ reduces occasional heartburn and indigestion

“With over 20 years of experience in digestion,
I strongly believe that there’s nothing better than Emma to help restore gut health and ease issues like painful bloating, cramping, heartburn, and constipation. My highest recommendation.”

Dr. Gina Sam M.D

Emma offers relief:
a healthy gut
for healthy
bowel movement

Emma’s mighty, plant-based ingredients work together in four powerful ways to address the root cause of methane build-up so you can normalize your bathroom habits and achieve “perfect poops.”

There’s absolutely zero risk in trying! You will love how it makes you feel! If you decide the product isn’t for you within the next 90 days, email us at hello@emmarelief.com, and we will refund your money.

Real Ingredients. Real Results.

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL): a digestive lubricant

Used as a digestive aid for thousands of years, DGL has been shown to heal the digestive tract by increasing the body’s mucus-producing cells in the gastrointestinal lining.



Star Anise: a 3000-year-old remedy

With powerful antibacterial properties, star anise exhibits a remarkable ability to act against a whopping 67 strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and helps stimulate the digestive tract.



Quercetin: master
gut healer

By increasing the expression of “tight junctions,” quercetin helps heal the gut lining, which is essential to absorbing nutrients and keeping digestion-slowing bacteria and toxins from leaking into the bloodstream.



Resveratrol: gut remodeler

Resveratrol is key to boosting the bioavailability of berberine and unlocking its full power, but it also has its own set of powerful benefits, which include helping the body deal with leaky gut.



Chicory root inulin: 

gut regulator

A powerhouse ingredient for your bowels, chicory root inulin feeds the good bacteria in your gut, contributing to regular and healthy gut motility.

Good Bacteria


Berberine: the Southeast Asian digestive superpower

A cornerstone ingredient to gut health, berberine is an amazing plant extract that has been used in Eastern medicine since around 650 B.C.



Backed By Science

Emma is a science-backed breakthrough formula that targets digestion-slowing bacteria and microbiome imbalances, and helps reduce bloating, gas, and constipation while providing a gentle relief to most common gut health problems. We believe that the digestive system is fundamentally both complex and sensitive, therefore the solution needs to be both gentle and powerful, which is exactly why we created Emma.

Most digestive “remedies”
do more harm than good

Most people who struggle with digestive health are given “remedies” that temporarily relieve symptoms but the root cause never gets addressed. The symptoms come back in a couple of days, and the gut becomes more and more degraded, suffering from constipation, bloating, and embarrassing gas, with hours spent squeezing and straining on the toilet.

“My husband and I eat the same exact things, and while he never gains weight, I can practically look at a donut and it goes straight to my hips!”

Fiber is one such “remedy”

Fiber bulks up stool, aiding its passage through the intestines. However, when your microbiome is imbalanced, fiber can end up feeding the “bad” bacteria and causing the opposite effect of what you actually want. Many commercial fiber supplements contain artificial additives, doing more harm than good for digestion.

Laxatives Are another

Laxatives provide temporary relief by forcibly expelling colon contents but damage the colon's natural structure, leading to dependency as it loses its ability to function properly over time.

Probiotics are as well

Despite their popularity, oral probiotics are largely ineffective, and often destroyed in stomach acid. The surviving few reach the small intestine instead of the necessary large intestine, potentially hindering the restoration of a normal gut microbiome, according to studies.

Our nerve cells take their time

Sex-related features in the brain cause women’s and men’s guts to behave differently. Research by Dr. Tanja Babic at Penn State College of Medicine has shown that the nerve cells that control the movement of food through the intestines are slower and more sluggish in women than in men. Research has also found that women are 6 times more likely to suffer digestive upsets and that these problems increase over time as we age.

Emma gets to the root cause of your digestive discomfort Emma gets to the root cause of your digestive discomfort

Why Emma Is More Effective Than Other Digestion Remedies

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By checking the “Subscribe” box, you agree to receive Emma once every month and that your credit card will be charged the amount matching your selected package size. You can cancel anytime by emailing hello@emmarelief.com or calling customer service at 888-808-EMMA (3662). (All terms and conditions apply.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Emma different from probiotics?

Probiotics have exploded in popularity over the last decade. So why has our gut health continued to get worse over the same time period?

Probiotics, in theory, are great. The beneficial effects of good bacteria are well-established in the scientific literature.

However, there's an important piece of the puzzle nobody is talking about.

Too much bacteria in the small intestine can be just as bad -- or in many cases, much worse than not having enough bacteria. Microbiome imbalance is actually one of the most common causes of heartburn, bloating, unexplained nausea, constipation, and excess gas.

In fact, up to 60% of people who suffer from bloating, constipation, and digestive upsets are actually found to have this issue.

Giving probiotics to someone with a sick gut microbiome is like trying to plant a garden on farmland that was previously used as a toxic waste dump.

That's why probiotics alone will never solve the problem. Adding more bacteria to a system that is already suffering from too much bacteria is not a good decision. And if you've tried probiotics and they didn't work, you can probably relate to this.

Emma works in a completely different way.

Instead of forcing more bacteria into an environment which may already have too much bacteria, Emma is designed to change the environment using gut microbiome modulators - that is, powerful plant-based molecules proven to help increase healthy friendly flora and decrease digestion-slowing bacteria.

Once you can increase the health-protecting friendly flora, you’ll start feeling more energy throughout the day, achieve full elimination in the bathroom every morning, curb those annoying cravings, get lean and trim, and finally feel the freedom of being yourself again.

Can Emma be taken with probiotics?

Absolutely. In fact, science seems to indicate that Emma will make probiotics even more effective than probiotics alone. A 2016 study showed that probiotics benefits were markedly enhanced by one of Emma's primary ingredients, Berberine.

Think of it this way. Emma makes the gut environment more hospitable to friendly flora, and less hospitable to the bad guys. And if your gut isn't doing so well, probiotics won't decide to settle and make it their home.

If the gut environment is not friendly, there's no amount of probiotics that could fix the situation.

When the gut environment is friendly, any amount of friendly flora, even just from the food you're eating, is enough. Most people don't realize but you get probiotics every day just from eating - just one apple has 100 million units of probiotics, you really get most of this stuff from food.

A good gut environment attracts health-boosting friendly flora, just like a sick gut environment will attract bad bacteria.

So you might say that probiotics shouldn't be taken without Emma, and if you've tried probiotics in the past without benefit, you might want to try Emma first to create an environment that the probiotics would actually thrive.

Once your digestion is working well again, regularity and full emptying of the bowels, less heartburn, less annoying cravings - you can decide to try probiotics again and see if they help you.

Will Emma help me lose weight?

The main function of Emma is to help naturally bring balance to the gut environment, increasing beneficial friendly flora and ultimately promoting the repair of the delicate lining of the digestive tract.

That being said, there are two different factors to support weight loss. The fat-burning effects can be mild to dramatic, depending on the degree of imbalance you might have in the first place.

The first weight loss factor is through the up-regulation or, you might say acceleration of the metabolism. As you probably already realize, weight gain is related to how well you digest and metabolize food.

After all, if you burn everything you eat as energy, there's nothing to really get stored as fat, right?

Emma helps enhance fat-burning metabolism by stimulating glycolysis and by preserving the function of mitochondria - the energy powerhouses of your cells.

The key to Emma's fat-burning benefit is its ability to activate AMPK (Adenosine MonoPhosphate-Activated Protein Kinase). AMPK is like a metabolic master switch inside the body and boosts fat burning by improving mitochondria (the energy centers of cells in the body).

Emma also aims to help reduce fat storage by blocking the fat storage enzyme called lipoprotein lipase. It also supports the efficiency of the hormones insulin, leptin, and adiponectin, which all play a significant role in weight loss -- which will drop that number on the scale for good.

The second mechanism is the unique combination of Resveratrol and Quercetin to directly modulate the gut microbiome, which helps activate powerful fat-burning flora, and reduce the bad bacteria that lead to fat storage, weight gain, cravings, and disease.

Now, resveratrol has been known as a powerful health-span-extending compound for years, however, what is really new, and really exciting, is that when it’s combined with Quercetin, its anti-aging and fat-burning properties are activated in a big way.

What results can I reasonably expect from Emma?

You can expect to enjoy a bigger variety of foods you can eat without issues such as bloating, heartburn constipation.

You can expect less bloating, and gas once the gut microbiome is balanced out.

You can expect a normalization of bathroom habits achieving full elimination and "complete release" of the colon, once the lining of the digestive tract starts healing.

You can expect to reduce cravings since a 2014 study at the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University discovered that many cravings for sugar and other junk food are caused by bad bacteria in the gut 'hi-jacking your brain'.

Customers have often reported other unexpected benefits as well such as skin problems clearing up, improved mood or energy, better hair growth, and more restorative sleep as your friendly flora perform literally hundreds of chemical processes within the body.

Really there can be many benefits, it's impossible to predict what happens once you have the right.

The best way to know what it does is to give it a try and find out how well it works for you. You're going to love how it calms down irritation, reduces bloating, reduces cravings, and honestly you're going to love how it makes you poop!

With our 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, you've got nothing to lose.

Are there any side effects? Is it safe to take long term?

All of the ingredients in Emma are generally recognized as safe. It's free from any dangerous drugs, there's no stimulants, there's no weird cleansing or laxatives, nothing that is going to cause dependence or addiction.

Above and beyond that, the three primary ingredients berberine, resveratrol, and quercetin have all been shown to extend lifespan in clinical animal studies.

The unique combination of ingredients is designed to converge on AMPK regulation on mitochondrial oxidative stress - a primary cause of aging.

This supports the future possibility that Emma has use even as an anti-aging supplement through antioxidation and AMPK cellular kinase activation. Although, that hasn't really been our focus since Emma is so good at helping with digestion, reducing bloating, full elimination, and saying goodbye to cravings for good.

Will Emma help with bloating and constipation?

Emma was specifically formulated to reduce occasional bloating. Emma does this using ingredients shown to improve your gut bacteria profile.

Science has shown us that bloating and constipation primarily come from too much dangerous methane-producing bacteria in the gut – Specifically in the small intestine, which should be relatively clean and bacteria-free.

You see, the microbiome is an incredibly complex balance of many different varieties of bacteria. And these bacteria perform all kinds of functions in the body.

There are bacteria to tell us when to feel hungry, and there are other bacteria to tell us when to feel full. There are friendly flora that manufacture vitamins and others that train your immune system. There are some that clean up damaged DNA and damaged cells - you know, important stuff!

Some boost your energy, yet others make you feel relaxed. There are some that perform healing functions in the body, some break down and eliminate toxins, some regulate your mood and make you feel good and so forth. 80% of your serotonin, the feel-good hormone, comes from your gut just as an example of how important this is.

So back to constipation – here's where this connects. One of the functions of our good bacteria is to produce mucus in the digestive tract.

Remember, constipation is caused by not enough mucus production, things being too dry and stuck, and not properly lubricated. Emma has two powerful ingredients that increase mucus production relieving constipation, and for that clean full elimination – that perfect poop.

It's literally the lubrication your digestive tract needs to make everything work down there.

Will Emma help with diarrhea?

Emma is wonderful for diarrhea.

A lot of people think diarrhea and constipation are totally opposite conditions, but in fact, they are two sides of the same coin really, they stem from bad bacteria causing inflammation and irritation. They are both a sign you have a gut environment that is not hospitable to the friendly flora that you need to feel good and have proper digestion and full elimination.

The most common cause of diarrhea is unwanted bacteria in the gut and colon, and the body trying to prematurely 'get rid' of the waste before it's fully processed and digested.

Emma's natural ingredients fight the bad stuff in your system that causes diarrhea, soothing and calming your gut so you can say goodbye to uncomfortable irritation and inflammation.

In fact, we have had many customers who have had alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea throughout the month, and Emma was the only thing that ever worked for them.

That's why Emma is the first formula designed to bring the gut environment back into balance.

How fast will I see results?

This is a very individualized question, and it will have a very individual answer.

Many women start to see certain immediate results like fewer food sensitivities, less cravings, better elimination, and a lift in their mood within the first few days or a couple of weeks.

Other changes like weight loss, for example, happen mostly as a byproduct of improving your metabolism.

Remember almost all of the ingredients in Emma are there to get your digestion and energy metabolism working again, and everything is connected.

You're improving digestion which is so many things – it starts in your brain with what foods you crave, it determines how much of what you eat gets turned into energy, or stored as fat, and then even burning stored body fat - it's all regulated, it all falls under 'digestion and energy metabolism'.

Other benefits like long-term correction of bathroom habits, and improving your gut flora and microbiome profile are going to keep improving - and improving over the next 12-16 weeks.

The best part is, as you improve your gut microbiome, there are so many cascading effects, and you'll continue to see metabolic improvements as your body begins to absorb more nutrients, increase your cellular energy, and improve waste elimination.

So, really, the answer to the question depends on how long the problem has been going on, what needs to be fixed, and how regularly you're using Emma.

Many of our customers use Emma every day and swear that they would not live without Emma ever again. 

The best way is to give it a shot. You've always got our industry-leading 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee. You've got nothing to lose, and it's much better to find out now that Emma is really the true solution to finally handle your digestive challenges for good than to suffer from bloating, constipation, cramping, low energy, and affected moods, wondering 'What if Emma works?' for the rest of your life.

What about cleanses? Is it really true that most people have
20 pounds of undigested waste stuck in their colon?

You can't believe everything you read online.

That's why we show all 19 studies referenced throughout this page down below. We walk the walk and we back it up. You won't find a single scientific study about anyone having “20 pounds of undigested” waste in their intestines.

While some folks in the past used to believe these things, new science has shown that what's actually in our large intestine is our gut microbiome. And our metabolism, as well as many other processes in the body are actually controlled by the makeup of these flora.

Aggressive cleanses are dangerous, leaving a person dehydrated, and sometimes, just like antibiotics, they flush out ALL bacteria - good or bad.

There's no magic cleanse that's going to release all of this waste without flushing out the majority of your friendly flora as well.

If you ever hope for great gut health and normal bathroom habits, you need to avoid dangerous cleanses like the plague. They are based on old science from a time period before we really understood how the gut really works.

The reason why Emma is such a big breakthrough is its laser-targeted selectivity. It's the first formula designed to both support the friendly flora and suppress the harmful bacteria at the very same time.

If you've tried everything, and nothing has worked, you need to try Emma.
You really have nothing to lose, and there's always our industry-leading 90-day money-back guarantee, and we've done it this way so that anyone can give it a try, see how it makes you feel, less bloating and constipation, more normal bathroom habits, see how your energy, your mood change, with less heartburn and food sensitivities.

You're going to love it, we guarantee it. If not just let us know, we're taking all the risk so that you can try Emma risk-free, experience the relief, and then decide you want to keep it.

My son, husband, or dad has digestive issues and nothing has worked for him, should he try Emma?

Emma was created for both men and women. 

Remember, everyone is susceptible to the gut-destroying effects of inflammation, poor diet, low-quality food, pollution, antibiotics, and illness, which can cause bloating, gas, constipation (and diarrhea too). 

What really matters is the relative health of a person's friendly flora, compared to how much bad bacteria have made its home in his intestines.

Emma has three amazing compounds that can gently and safely handle this situation without dangerous drugs.

If a man in your life has struggled with digestive problems, there is nothing stopping him from trying Emma to get the relief he's looking for. Just give it a try, you might become a hero to him.

Fans are Raving about Emma

See what people are saying about our breakthrough formula

Review by Alex Cove

Thanks to EMMA, I now spend less time aching and more time living.

Review by Cindy Phan

This is the only thing that's helped me with my bloating, constipation, and heartburn.

Review by Janelle Gray

I feel sexy and confident and how I should feel on a daily basis because of this.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Use only as directed. The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.

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